Emily Harville, PhD
RP 2 Lead
Dr. Emily Harville, PhD, is a perinatal epidemiologist with interests in how pregnancy and reproduction relate to health throughout the course of life, including the biological mechanisms by which health disparities are created. Major projects include studying the relationship between cardiovascular and reproductive health in the Bogalusa Heart Study; effects of disaster, including the COVID pandemic, on pregnant and postpartum women; and creating a consortium of preconception health studies (the PrePARED Consortium). She is an advisor to the CCREOH (Caribbean Consortium for Research in Environmental and Occupational Health) project in Suriname. She teaches the third-level epidemiologic methods course, EPID 7130 Observational Epidemiology, EPID 6600 Epidemiology of Disparities, and SPHU 3170 Foundations of Epidemiology.
This grant U54HD113159 is supported by the Improve Initiative. This content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
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